Category: Uncategorized

Pastors Garage

Just thought I would write a short note in regards to this Sunday’s service. Initially we had lined up Tiawo Afolabo to come share with us again, He had come with a team from the Regina Ap early last fall and many told me they really appreciated what he had to say. When Danny Delong […]

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Pastors Garage

*Pastor’s Garage-May 9, 2024* Well I hope you’re taking advantage of some beautiful weather out there! The trees are starting to green and my grass, or should I say weeds are definitely growing! Just thought I’d send out a bit of a note letting you know what’s going on in church this Sunday. Last week’s […]

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Announcement from Pastor Mike

“For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.”Ecc 3:1 There is no easy way to make this kind of announcement so I’ll get to the point. It has been my privilege to serve as the associate pastor for this church since the fall of 2018. After much prayer, wrestling, talking […]

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Pastors Garage

*Pastor’s Garage May 2, 2024* Well the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the grass is greening, the wood-ticks/ mosquitoes are out, and I’m feeling way way behind all that I need to get done…..yup, it must be spring! As I look at the list before me of all that I should accomplish this […]

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Pastors Garage

*Pastors Garage April 25/2024* Well, well, I can’t even start this PG off talking about snow! Even though I kind of did! What a beautiful day out there. The grass is growing, the birds are chirping, and the wood ticks are crawling! Anybody interested in helping me take down some fence line next week? I […]

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pastors garage

*Pastors Garage-April 18/2024* Well it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go! Here we are in the middle of seventh winter……are you getting tired of me writing about snow in my PG’s? Well trust me, so am I! It’s nothing short of amazing to me how much the weather can affect my […]

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Pastors Garage

*Pastor’s Garage- April 11, 2024* So I have always enjoyed going fast! I have ever owned any vehicles that were really fast by some standards, but I have owned some that were faster than most!(not that I put that to the test in any way, shape, or form…..on streets….at red lights….. or on quiet country […]

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Pastors Garage

*Pastor’s Garage April 6-2024* Well I don’t want to get your hopes up but it may just be warming up out there! Don’t get me wrong, it’s been a nice winter, BUT a long one! It feels like about 37 years ago when we got that first snow in October! Just wanted to send out […]

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Pastors Garage

*Pastor’s Garage March 28, 2024* Well I don’t want to get your hopes up or anything, but there is snow in the forecast for tomorrow! Don’t put your shovels away just yet! Do you happen to remember that Easter weekend a number of years ago when we had that big dump of snow Friday night […]

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Pastors Garage

*Pastor’s Garage March 22, 2024* Hey there, how’s the long slow entrance into spring treating you? I, for one, am more than ready for the lamb that the lion at the beginning of March predicted to show up! As I wrote that last sentence my thoughts went to a very different Lion and Lamb! The […]

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