Pastor’s Garage August 5th, 2021

Hi Everyone!

In case you have not heard or have been ignoring my emails… we are going
camping this weekend! If you need more info check out the facebook page or
older emails. I am excited and looking forward to it! In fact I am heading
out there later today to set up a few things. Camping starts tomorrow
evening and runs till Sunday afternoon.

We will be holding our Sunday service out at camp, followed by our church
picnic, so that means there is NO SUNDAY SERVICE in Grenfell. So at the
very least come and join us for Sunday service and the picnic. If you need
help with anything, let us know.

I read Philippians 2 this morning. I’ve had the following verses rolling in
my head and heart all morning:

*5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ
Jesus:6 Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with
God something to be used to his own advantage;7 rather, he made himself
nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human
likeness.8 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!*

Wow! Be like Christ in your relationships with one another – servanthood,
humility and sacrifice being the key points.

Which of those three traits jump out to you? Which one does God seem to be
putting his finger on as you think about them? For me it’s humility. I know
I struggle with that one, I hope not externally too much, but internally I
struggle. Am I humble or do I think that even though I know I don’t have it
all together, I am better than most if not all? What’s weird is that* I
know *I am not all that, but I somehow deceive myself that I am! Anyway,
enough of my madness. But I know I need to grow in humility – in not
thinking too highly of myself.

Anyway, how do you need to grow to be more Christlike in your
relationships? What do you need to lay down? What is God calling you to
sacrifice or give up so that you might be more free to serve others?

God bless and I really hope to see you this weekend!

Pastor Dave

Pastor’s Garage August 5th, 2021

Hi Everyone!

In case you have not heard or have been ignoring my emails… we are going
camping this weekend! If you need more info check out the facebook page or
older emails. I am excited and looking forward to it! In fact I am heading
out there later today to set up a few things. Camping starts tomorrow
evening and runs till Sunday afternoon.

We will be holding our Sunday service out at camp, followed by our church
picnic, so that means there is NO SUNDAY SERVICE in Grenfell. So at the
very least come and join us for Sunday service and the picnic. If you need
help with anything, let us know.

I read Philippians 2 this morning. I’ve had the following verses rolling in
my head and heart all morning:

*5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ
Jesus:6 Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with
God something to be used to his own advantage;7 rather, he made himself
nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human
likeness.8 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!*

Wow! Be like Christ in your relationships with one another – servanthood,
humility and sacrifice being the key points.

Which of those three traits jump out to you? Which one does God seem to be
putting his finger on as you think about them? For me it’s humility. I know
I struggle with that one, I hope not externally too much, but internally I
struggle. Am I humble or do I think that even though I know I don’t have it
all together, I am better than most if not all? What’s weird is that* I
know *I am not all that, but I somehow deceive myself that I am! Anyway,
enough of my madness. But I know I need to grow in humility – in not
thinking too highly of myself.

Anyway, how do you need to grow to be more Christlike in your
relationships? What do you need to lay down? What is God calling you to
sacrifice or give up so that you might be more free to serve others?

God bless and I really hope to see you this weekend!

Pastor Dave

Some more info about the camping this weekend!

We will have signs out on the gravel roads to get you to camp, but here is
the google maps version to get you on the right track. If you have any
trouble getting there just call or text myself or pastor Mike.

Some more info about the camping this weekend!

We will have signs out on the gravel roads to get you to camp, but here is
the google maps version to get you on the right track. If you have any
trouble getting there just call or text myself or pastor Mike.

More on the campsite… video footage!

Can’t deny how cool this place is!

Campsite panorama!

More on the campsite… video footage!

Can’t deny how cool this place is!

Campsite panorama!

Camping Site for this Weekend!

Well I headed out to the campsite this afternoon to get a good look around
and to plan out a couple things with Pastor Mike. The site is looking
amazing and its going to be a lot of fun. Here’s some pictures to give you
an idea of what it looks like! It’s going to be an awesome weekend! Here’s
another look at the schedule. We will be posting a map soon.

GAC Camping weekend extravaganza 2021, August 6, 7 and 8th

Friday-7:30 Rider Game tailgate party on the big screen

-fire down by the lake/sing-a-long?

Saturday-Alvin’s pontoon boat rides

-2pm Pastor Dave’s Adventure Walk

-6pm potluck supper

-7:30 evening service- Dave Sr speaking, Mike Z leading

-mug up!

-fire down by the lake/fireworks?

Sunday-10:30AM morning service-Dave Sr speaking, Rachel D leading

-12pm church picnic

-Alvin’s pontoon boat rides

Camping Site for this Weekend!

Well I headed out to the campsite this afternoon to get a good look around
and to plan out a couple things with Pastor Mike. The site is looking
amazing and its going to be a lot of fun. Here’s some pictures to give you
an idea of what it looks like! It’s going to be an awesome weekend! Here’s
another look at the schedule. We will be posting a map soon.

GAC Camping weekend extravaganza 2021, August 6, 7 and 8th

Friday-7:30 Rider Game tailgate party on the big screen

-fire down by the lake/sing-a-long?

Saturday-Alvin’s pontoon boat rides

-2pm Pastor Dave’s Adventure Walk

-6pm potluck supper

-7:30 evening service- Dave Sr speaking, Mike Z leading

-mug up!

-fire down by the lake/fireworks?

Sunday-10:30AM morning service-Dave Sr speaking, Rachel D leading

-12pm church picnic

-Alvin’s pontoon boat rides

Note about Santuary

It’s come to my attention that there are a handful of people who would like
to return to our Sunday gatherings, but for a number of reasons they feel
the need to continue to social distance. In order to accommodate this
reality, we have decided to reserve the last row for anyone who is needing
this. There is a sign on the rows that states,

“Row reserved for anyone with health concerns regarding COVID-19.

Sitting here indicates that you want to continue to maintain social
distancing and are being cautious for yourself or for those you are
connected with.”

If you would like to talk more or have any concerns please don’t hesitate
to ask.

God bless,

Pastor Dave


Note about Santuary

It’s come to my attention that there are a handful of people who would like
to return to our Sunday gatherings, but for a number of reasons they feel
the need to continue to social distance. In order to accommodate this
reality, we have decided to reserve the last row for anyone who is needing
this. There is a sign on the rows that states,

“Row reserved for anyone with health concerns regarding COVID-19.

Sitting here indicates that you want to continue to maintain social
distancing and are being cautious for yourself or for those you are
connected with.”

If you would like to talk more or have any concerns please don’t hesitate
to ask.

God bless,

Pastor Dave
