June 21 is National Indigenous Peoples Day

National Indigenous Peoples Day is this coming Monday on June 21, 2021. You
can read a bit more about it on this website:


In light of some of the tragedies that have happened in the past (some of
them that we are just learning about now), I think it would be a fitting
day to be called to prayer as a body for our first nations brothers and
sisters and the indigenous people across Canada.

Many of them have faced and are facing very difficult situations, some of
which has been caused by or made more difficult by the church in Canada. We
are not to blame for everything, but I think we have made mistakes in the
past and there is merit and value to acknowledging it, repenting of it and
moving forward. Read Daniel’s prayer in Daniel 9.

Regardless, they are a people that need our prayers. A few years ago I was
meeting with a gentleman named Ron Kaye who lived on Sakimay. He was a
strong Christian man who was saved and discipled years ago under Ron
Hooper’s ministry. I asked him once what he thought his people needed most
and how the local church could help. He quickly answered and said, “Give us
Jesus and pray that we would turn to him. There is nothing else we need!”

So let’s honor that and prayer together on June 21st that in the midst of
all the struggles and tragedies that they would find Jesus. That they would
find comfort and that they would find peace and hope. Let’s also repent for
our part and ask God that they be released from the generational damage
that has been done.

Look forward to a Pastor’s Garage from Mike later this week.

God bless,

Pastor Dave