Pastor Mike’s Garage February 2nd, 2023

*Pastors Garage-Feb 2/2023*

This too shall pass! As I sit in by office writing this PG its a balmy -31
degrees Celsius out there! But better weather is in the forecast for the
horizon! They’re saying close to zero by mid week next week! I’m thankful
for this weather fluctuation on two accounts. We are leaving this part of
the world for warmer weather for the next ten days and I know I will
appreciate it a lot more as its that cold upon our departure. I know it
would haunt me a little bit if it were really nice here before I left
because invariably I would feel guilty about leaving when there’s so much
to do! On the flip side, as the weather is supposed to get considerably
better upon our departure, it brings me comfort that it won’t be bitterly
cold while were gone. Otherwise I’d be spending my time there worrying
about the heat in our house, my mother, our pets, and the car wash. That’s
the beauty of worry and anxiety, it can get you both ways!

Something I’ve noticed as I’ve aged is that I am a lot more prone to worry,
anxiety, and fear than I used to be. A trip like this wouldn’t have even
phased me in my younger years. Midnight the night before I’d throw a few
things in a bag, morning comes, head for the plane, wing it once I arrive
at intended destination. Now I find myself stewing over flights, hotels,
car rentals, activities, insurance, etc. Planning events is no different.
There was a time I could plan a event, celebration, camp, whatever, for
hundreds of people and it was no sweat. Now there is definitely sweat
involved of the worry variety! It’s funny, everything in life seemed so
certain and structured when I was young. Now the uncertainty of life, and
thoughts of the future, wakes my up in the middle of the night!

I was at the hospital yesterday visiting a close relative who has suffered
a serious stroke. As I sat with him my heart was burdened. I thought what
it must feel like to still have cognitive ability while being unable to
move or communicate. People in the room talking about you and making
decisions about your life and not even having the ability to voice your own
thoughts and concerns. It took me back to a time last March when I was in
the hospital with some serious internal bleeding. While my trails pale in
comparison, there was still a large amount of fear and anxiety as we
weren’t sure exactly what was going on and what the future might hold. It
was during one of my dark nights battling anxiety that a good friend sent
me some verses from Philippians that made all the difference for me that
specific night. “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about
everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then
you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.
His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ
Jesus.”Philippians 4:6-7 As I shared my anxiety about the future, my life,
my family in prayer to the Lord a weight was lifted off. As I thought about
and thanked Him for all the blessings in my life and His faithfulness to me
I was actually encouraged. Did my health problems magically go away
instantly? No! But my heart and mind was guarded against fear, worry,
anxiety, and uncertainty, which is what I really needed in that moment!

I know some of you are dealing with some big things right now! And even if
your not, the beauty of fear and anxiety is that it doesn’t necessarily
take much to keep us up at night. I encourage you meditate on those verses.
Give it a try, literally voice your concerns to the Lord! Spend some time
looking over and thanking Him for the past focusing on the blessing in your
life. You may just be surprised with the result!

Pastor Mike

Youth Friday February 3rd, 2023

[image: Youth January 20th, 2023.png]

Announcements that Mike forgot to announce during the service on Sunday!!!!

Just wanted to send a quick note to announce all the announcements I forgot to announce during this mornings service……

-Dion and Zoey are leading a young adults meeting again tonight at the church form 7:30-9:30

-Family Life Canada has a deal on right now for their upcoming marriage retreats that expires at midnight tomorrow, register with another couple, first couple regular price, second couple $100, check it out at or contact Janelle Oshowy

-Church annual meeting Feb 19(potluck Sunday) at 1:30

Pastors Garage

Pastor Mike’s Garage Jan 26/2023

As I sit in my office looking out the window to what basically amounts to a complete white out, it is easy to be tempted to feel unmotivated and give up on accomplishing at least some the the tasks I need to do today! It always amazes me how little it take to deplete my motivation and energy levels. Snow, wind, heat, rain, basically weather all seem to deter me!

I have been meeting with a group of guys for a men’s study since before Christmas about a hour away on Thursday evenings. Co-incidentally the weather has been sub par to say the least every time I try and go. This morning I was scheduled to meet up with another group of people for their morning coffee time at 8AM as a ministry opportunity, and magically when I was trying to leave the house at 7:30 Ben was being totally non-compliant, thus stressing Bre out. On Tues morning I was in a hurry to get to the church because I had a fair bit to accomplish that morning. I decided to swing by the car wash and low and behold someone left the door open during the night causing some stuff to freeze. I remember growing up when we had cows, how it was always a bit suspicious in nature how they didn’t seem to get out of the fence much unless we were on our way to church! You ever notice that many, if not most, times when you plan on doing something, especially of a spiritual nature, there is some form of distraction or opposition? It’s almost like there is some kind of spiritual enemy out their that orchestrates events to try and deter us from getting to know God better, or gathering, or serving! Are you feeling like there is some opposition trying to deter you from taking part in things that you know would benefit you spiritually? I would encourage you to push through those obstacles, resolve to let nothing discourage you from what you know you should prioritize or take part in!

I mentioned earlier that this week members from all the church’s in town are meeting at lunch time at the Presbyterian church for soup and a short service to observe the week of prayer for Christian unity. I totally forgot about it on Monday, but have been there every day since. It has been really good! It’s is encouraging to meet with like minded believers within our community and celebrate our common goals over a bowl of soup! I realize the weather is less than ideal out there right now! I realize you probably have a lot going on today, or a lot on your mind. Could I encourage you to push through the distractions and join us at the two remaining meetings?

“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have itmore abundantly.” John 10:10

Pastor Mike

Week of Prayer

Ok, so my cranium doesn’t work like she used too, I readily admit! On
Sunday I should have announced that this week there are meetings happening
every lunch for the World Week of Prayer for Christian Unity! My bad, I
apologize. If you are able to attend please do so. These kind of things
are actually kinda important. I copy and pasted the reminder that Tatum
placed on our Facebook page and it goes as follows:

Everyone is invited to attend the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity to be
held at Trinity Presbyterian Church over the noon hour from Jan 23-27.
Soups, coffee, and tea will be provided, but we ask you to bring your own
soup bowl, mug, sandwich, and cutlery. Lunch & fellowship will be held from
12:00-12:30 followed by a half hour service of reflection on the theme “Do
good, seek justice”

Our church is responsible for bringing soup on Tuesday. Please contact
Tatum if you can bring a pot.

Pastor Mike

Pastor’s Garage January 20th, 2023

I hope that you are enjoying the beautiful weather we’ve been having
lately. It is absolutely incredible how the frost keeps hanging onto the
trees the last few days. It feels like I am literally driving through a
“winter wonderland.” They say that the weather is going to return to more
seasonal temperatures in the next week or so so enjoy the reprieve while it

Sometime during the worst of covid we made a decision to begin posting our
services online using facebook. We bought a new camera and tried our best
using the equipment we had to post something (most times it was better than
nothing) to our church’s facebook page all the while fighting with our poor
internet upload speed. It was something we did out of necessity as there
really weren’t a whole lot of options.

Covid restrictions lifted in about March of 2022 (or somewhere near there)
and we just kept doing it. It wasn’t a decision to keep doing it per se,
we’d just got into the rhythm of doing it and so we kept on. Recently at
one of our board meetings and in several elders meetings we’d been
discussing our “online experience.” Through those meetings and through some
prayer and reflection we’ve decided that we’ll be ending our live broadcast
at the end of January.

While there are many reasons why we should continue to broadcast live and
while there are many reasons why we probably should stop broadcasting there
are two points that stand out that I want to share:

– *broadcasting our service live makes it hard to create an
intimate c**ommunity
– *if covid didn’t happen we would never have done it*

One of the values that I am really pushing this year is that we would be a
people who gather. I want our gatherings to be a place where we can share
our hearts and where we can share hurts during prayer times. Where we can
express ourselves without fear of it being broadcast to the internet. In a
world that is increasingly being policed, I want us to feel free to boldly
proclaim God’s truth. Now I know there are a handful of us who find it very
difficult to make it on Sundays but I believe we can offer these dear ones
a better way to connect to our community. I take responsibility for leading
us here, but I am calling on you to step up and help serve them. If this
hits your heart please talk to me. Finally, to put it frankly, the online
service for some has been an excuse not to come – and that’s not something
I want to continue. If you are able, you need to make the effort to join us
on Sunday – it can be hard and it will cost you but that’s part of the walk
of the Christian.

And honestly, there is no better way to say it… if covid didn’t happen we
would never have done it. If covid hadn’t happened we were never heading
towards being an online church. It’s not my passion, nor is it in our DNA.
We’ve been a tight knit, loving, stable body of believers who serves our
community at large and who gives to missions. Our strength is when we come
together and I believe that this is how God intended us to be… together
in the same room.

If you have concerns about this my email inbox and office door are open. We
don’t do this lightly or without consideration, but we do need to lead. The
elders or Pastor Mike are available too.

This Sunday I am preaching from 1 Peter 4 and I would encourage you to read
this chapter ahead of time. I’ll be sharing about why we serve. Pastor Mike
will be leading worship and I ask that you please pray for the service.

Hope you have a great weekend.



Youth Friday January 20th, 2023

[image: Youth January 20th, 2023.png]

Pastor Mike’s Garage January 13th, 2023

*Pastor Mike’s Garage-Jan 13/2022*

So I would encourage you right off the bat, it’s a beautiful sunny day out
there! Rather than reading my stuffy old Pastor’s Garage, go for a walk,
have someone over for a visit over coffee, go for a drive and see some of
God’s beautiful creation! Read this later on when its dark and cold
outside and you have nothing better to do, instead of watching TV or
scrolling Facebook!

I am currently reading a book, which I mentioned during my sermon on
Sunday, called “A Non-Anxious Presence” by Mark Sayers which is really
challenging me and giving light to some of what is currently going on in
the world around us. He talks about the shift in our culture and thinking,
the grey uncertain season in the midst of that change and our response as
Christians. Something I found interesting while reading it was he
described a time in history over a century ago when there was another
worldwide shift in culture and thinking. As he described the state of mind
of the church in response to it you would swear he was talking about the
present. Sometimes I get so wound up over what I see around me, I start
acting like Chicken Little, running around yelling “The sky is falling, the
sky is falling!” I forget what the writer of Ecclesiastes means when he
says there is truly nothing new under the sun. I forget that even in the
midst of the darkest of days, and our present turmoil, there is a God who
is still on the throne! He loves and cares for us and wants to interject,
intervene, and interact within our lives! I forget that, while my present
experience is very real to me, what it must have been like for the people
of God in the time prior to Jesus’ first coming when God seemed silent for
four hundred years. I wonder what the Christians were feeling when they
were being persecuted, crucified, burned, and fed to the lions following
the ascension of Jesus. What was the mood of the church during the dark
ages, 500-1000AD, when seemingly everyone lived and acted like animals?
How did the average Christian view his world during the old west during a
time of complete lawlessness? I ask the same question that is asked a few
times throughout the New testament, when He comes again, what kind of
people will he find us to be?

I quite often mention various books I am reading. I don’t want to mislead
you into thinking I am any kind of well read scholar. I am a good starter
of books, not a very good finisher! I was challenged by that yesterday
morning as I was thinking about writing this PG. I have no less than seven
different books that I have recently started but not finished. I decided
to pick back up a book called “Living Life Backwards.” It’s one that I
have recommend, one that I have quoted, and one that I have started three
times, its one that I have given to others saying “you need to read this”
but one that I have never actually finished. I only had a couple chapters
left so I figured maybe it was time to get one done at least. I want to
leave you with a excerpt from that book. I think I should clarify that
when he says Preacher he is not talking about Mike Zorn but rather the
writer of Ecclesiastes!

“We compartmentalize our life. We have hopes and dreams and aims and
ambition, and in the midst of what we think of our responsibilities to
others: spouses, children, parents, work colleagues, friends. But the
Preacher reminds us that every single duty or responsibility we have toward
anyone or anything else, we have toward God first and foremost. Why do you
need to be a certain kind of employee? Because you have to fear God and
keep His commandments. Why do you have to be a certain kind of child?
Because you fear God and know that He wants you to honour your parents.
Everything I do for you, I do because I do it for God first and foremost:
that’s the kind of person Ecclesiastes is teaching me I ought to be.
Perhaps if we were to think of doing everything for God first and foremost,
it would quite radically change what we do for one another. It might make
us bolder in what we say, more concerned for God’s truth than one another’s
approval. It might make us more kind and more gentle, realizing that God
has commanded us to forgive one another as He forgave us. It will make us
more joyful, less grumpy, and more generous. It will make us more alive,”

How we relate to each other as humans may change from time to time
throughout history, but our relationship with God as humans, even though
the world is constantly, drastically changing around us, is constant! He
is the same, yesterday, today and forever! “But do not overlook this one
fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a
thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise, as
some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should
perish, but that all should reach repentance. But the day of the Lord will
come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and
heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the
works that are done on it will be exposed. Since all these things are thus
to be dissolved, what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness
and godliness.” 2 Peter 3:8-11

Pastor Mike

Important Dates Coming Up!

Our first potluck of the year will be this Sunday January 15th! Please
prepare to join us and please invite a friend!

Also we set our annual meeting at the board meeting last night and it will
be Sunday February 19th at 1:30pm which will also be a potluck! Please be
in prayer for that meeting. Also, we are starting youth again this Friday
so please share.

[image: Youth January 13th.png]


Pastor Dave

Pastor’s Garage January 5th, 2023

Good afternoon! This Sunday I will be away with my oldest son Judah for a
hockey tournament. I’m looking forward to the hockey, but I’m also looking
forward to the time together in between the games. Eating together,
driving, waiting, hanging out at the hotel etc… It’s times like those
that end up being really meaningful for our father and son relationship.
I’m sure we will end up talking about lots of stuff and just enjoying each
other. It’s not necessarily a formal or planned talk that ends up building
a relationship or where you are able to pass on something meaningful to
your kids. It happens as life happens. I’m actually really excited about

I think in a very similar way our relationship with God doesn’t always
happen as planned or as scheduled. Don’t get me wrong, I think we
absolutely need to be disciplined in our relationship and approach to God,
but I also think there are “on the way” or “as life happens” encounters
with God… we are just not always listening or noticing or are too busy or
distracted. Perhaps we simply need to be made aware and to start looking
for and anticipating that God wants to speak to us. It says in Psalm 19:1,
that “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of
his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they
display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not
heard.” Romans chapter 1 also makes it clear that God can clearly be seen
in nature. Paul’s writing and Revelation tell us that God is knocking and
longing to have communion with us. Galatian 4:9 for example states, “now
that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God” reminds us of
God’s desire for us to have this intimate relationship. Doesn’t it make
sense then that God is speaking and trying to get our attention and that we
should and will run into him in our everyday life?

So I have a simple challenge for you. Sometime this week just pause in your
day and spend some time talking to God and thinking about him – out of the
blue. While you are in your car, doing the dishes, getting settled in bed,
or having your morning coffee…. pause…. and just talk to God. Think
about him and ask him if there is anything that he wants to speak to you.
I’d love to hear what kinds of things you feel he is communicating!

This Sunday Pastor Mike is sharing here in Grenfell and a team from the
Regina Ap is sharing out at Jacob Bear. Please pray for God’s blessing to
be upon both services.

Also, January 15th will be our first potluck and family celebration
service… so please get that on your calendars and start scheming on the
ultimate potluck dish!


Pastor Dave