Pastors Garage
March 16, 2024
So once again this baby is gonna be short and sweet. It’s been one of those
weeks when there were already lots on the go, every minute was already
booked, and in typical fashion when that is the case in life, there are
always other things that just seem to pop up pushing one to the edge! I’m
OK, but it has been a busy one!
Please come and join us tomorrow for a special day at church! We will be
celebrating children and family by having the child dedication of the
Fairhead children! It’s also potluck Sunday!!!! It doesn’t get much better
than that! I’m even using this opportunity to dust off my preaching skills
as we are done with the realignment series!!! Bring a bag of popcorn, it
may be a pretty interesting show!
Cheryl Fischer contacted me the other day wondering if it would be OK if
she put together another fellowship time prior to our Easter Sunday
service. I’m all for that, so on Easter Sunday come a bit early(9:30) and
enjoy some muffins, cheese and fruit! If that’s something you would like to
help her out with, just contact her!
I’d like to close this PG with a bit of a bible verse teaser on where we
are going in my messages for the next three Sunday’s culminating in Easter
Sunday. *“Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes
from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God, and knows God. But anyone who
does not love does not know God, for God is love.” 1 John 4:7,8*
Please keep Richard, and the Dimler family, in your prayers during this
trying time for them!
Pastor Mike