Pastors Garage Aug 29th, 2019

Well I wont lie to you, I’m excited for this weekend! To reference one of the Lord of the Rings movies, it marks “The Return of the King!” Pastor Dave Returns!! I don’t say that mockingly or facetiously, I am truly excited for his return! With me “in charge” for the summer it is quite possible you’ve missed him more than I!😉 It’s not like the summer was that busy or stressful, but I missed the comfort and security of a leader, friend and mentor being around!
As I write this I’m challenged with how little I think about and look forward to the return of another king. The Lord of the Rings movies are all about a great enemy arising and a coming battle for the earth. There was at one time a great king that ruled and united all the kingdoms but he and his lineage had been lost in obscurity. The kingdoms were disorganized, indifferent, distracted, and bitter against each other while a great enemy gathered and organized its forces! The movie follows a group of the most unlikely hero’s, a bunch of misfits and hobbits, members of the least powerful of the kingdoms as they journeyed to try and thwart the enemies plans. In the movie at the last possible moment a hero arises. One who, while carrying the blood of the great king, was happy to tag along posing as a ranger scared of his lineage and responsibility. With the help of his misfit gang of friends, he takes the sword, rally’s, motivates, awakens, and unites the kingdoms and defeats the enemy once and for all. Does this scenario sound familiar? The bible describes a similar series of events. We live in a world where the enemies forces seem to grow stronger day by day. Nation rises against nation! Bitterness, self interest and offence are at all time highs! The church seems busy attracting members from other kingdoms, arguing over points of doctrine or styles of worship, or just content to entertain itself with feel good activities. At times we raise war flags, but it is usually against the lost and hurting. Those that have already been misguided, deceived and marred by the enemy! There is a difference! Our king while tarrying, is not shirking responsibility or hiding, but waiting. Willing that none would perish He awaits for His church to arise and rescue those that are deceived and lost. He will come again to judge the living and the dead! To right the wrongs! To restore justice! To once and for all defeat the enemy! To wipe every tear from our eyes! By all descriptions within the bible of what the last times will look like, His coming is likely fairly near. Do we really eagerly await His return? I long for justice, peace and safety, but is it just because the current world situation threatens my comfort and safety? Am I like those described in 2 Timothy 3:1-5? A lover of self and pleasure, having a form of Godliness but denying its power? I pray that the coming King and His helper that resides within our hearts would awaken us to the battle that rages on around us! That He would quicken our spirits to rise up and not be content or distracted, but enter the fight!
Please pray for Pastor Dave this weekend as he shares about his summer! Please pray for Morgan Exner as he comes and shares about his plan to join Africa Inland Mission and the needs that will accompany that! Pray for Rachel Drinnan as she leads worship! Pray for a stirring in our hearts towards the lost, lonely, deceived and hurting!

The King needs you to enter the battle!
Pastor Mike