Pastor’s Garage January 5th, 2022

Hello everyone,

I know it’s a bit early for a pastor’s garage, but I’ve got some other
things going on later in the week that will take up some time, so I wanted
to get this out.

As I’ve mentioned, Liz and I will be serving at Jacob Bear this Sunday
January 9th. However, there is something really special happening on Sunday
here in Grenfell. We’ll be watching a 22 minute video that outlines the
beginnings and history of ACOP, our denomination. There’s even a mention of
Grenfell in the video! For those not able to attend, why don’t you join us
online for the worship and then watch the video online. We’ll be uploading
a high quality version of the video to our facebook page for you to
share with friends and family.

We’re watching this video to be reminded of our history and to be inspired
by what God has done in the past – which I think is really important to do
as we begin a new year and as we begin a new season as a church. Please
pray for Rachel Drinnan and her team as they prepare to lead this Sunday.

Speaking of history, here’s a video that we posted a long time ago of our
current church building being built in 1967. There’s some other footage of
pastors, of a service and of what appears to be the first pot-luck in the
building. It’s an interesting watch and there’s some time stamps of people
who we can recognize… can you recognize anyone else?

Next Thursday, January 13th, we’ll be hosting youth here again at the
church from 3:30 to 5:30. For now, we’ll be meeting every Thursday for
grades 6 and up. We’ll study the bible together, eat together and hang out.
Depending on the interest, we may do another day of the week for
senior youth only, something like grades 9-12. 12. Please, please give me
some feedback on this when you are able and if you would be interested in

After many months and a few shutdowns because of Covid-19 we finally
finished Firm Foundations in adult Sunday School. Thank you to those who
stuck it out to the very end, it was a long journey. What should we do now
for adult Sunday School? I have some ideas, but I would like to hear your
thoughts first. Let me know.

I spoke with Pastor Mike today and he is recovering well from his surgery
and is up and mobile and doing pretty good, We likely won’t see him dancing
in the aisles anytime soon, but he said he’d be up for preaching later this
month. Let’s keep holding Pastor Mike up in prayer!


Pastor Dave