Pastor’s Garage March 11, 2022

Earlier this week I sent out an email asking for prayer for a number of
things. I’ll repeat those items at the bottom of this email with one or two
updates. Instead of sharing too much this week I am gonna simply ask you to
continue to pray for these things. Please uphold these needs as we go into
the weekend.

– Eunice Tanner has asked that we pray for her three grandchildren who were
in a serious car accident. Sienna has been released but still needs prayer
for a broken collar bone. Kashis is recovering from surgery and Sophia has
had surgery but is still in a coma – she also still has swelling on the
brain and there is nothing the doctors can do for her at this point. Please
also be in prayer for Eunice and her son Avery and Michelle, who lost her
dad in the accident.
– Please also pray for Neil Theissen who is in the general hospital.
– Please also pray for Shirley Theissen who has cancer surgery coming up
next week.
– Finally please continue to uphold Leona Osiowy who is in the general
hospital as well.

God bless,

Pastor Dave
