Sunday September 19th, 2021

Hi all,

The recent updates from the Premier yesterday have made it clear that we
will be required to wear masks in church this Sunday at least until the end
of October. I understand that this probably feels very discouraging for
many of you. It does feel like a major inconvenience and a step backward. I
would encourage you to do what you feel is right for you and your family.

For those who are able and willing, we will still be gathering on Sunday at
10:30 and will plan on having a bit of a shorter service as we ease back
into things. Also, we will still be starting up Firm Foundations again at
9:00 Sunday morning.

We will continue to live stream our services for those who will not be able
to come. Please pray for me as I share this Sunday and for Rachel Drinnan
as she leads us in some worship songs.

Would you also prayerfully consider your giving at this time. We are still
hoping and looking to the end of these restrictions and I think there are
exciting times on the horizon for our church. We ask that you seek God on
how to support the church through these dry months so that we will be
poised to move into what God has next for us.

As always God bless!

I think you are an amazing church!

Pastor Dave