The Pastor’s Garage April 26th, 2018

Hey everyone. I hope that you are soaking up your amount of vitamin D these days. It sure is nice to feel the sun’s warmth. It’s really amazing how fast the snow disappears.

Pastor Lindsay and I and our families were in Arlington Beach this week taking in ACOPs yearly pastor’s retreat. It was a fun-filled enriching experience for us and for our kids. God really imparted something to all the pastors and leaders here in south Saskatchewan. One of the themes that stood out to me was following the dreams that God gives us and not giving up on them. What dream has God given you? Have you let it go? Has life stolen it away somehow? Or have you kind of forgotten about it? I would wager that some of you have a dream that God has given you? What would it take to make the dream happen? Does the thought of it still excite you? Maybe – no not maybe – it WILL take faith! God gave you that dream for a reason. I’d love to hear your dreams and join in praying with you to see them come true.

A couple things for you to be aware of over the next few weeks. Sunday night is our hymn sing at 6:30. Come on out, I promise you won’t regret it.

Pinewood Derby is May 5th at 10:30. Don’t miss out. There will be prizes and this is your chance to get your car tuned up before the big race in June at the car show.

Stacey and her team are leading the worship this Sunday. I’ll be continuing the series on the Tabernacle and this week we are going to talk about the laver. For us, the laver is a symbol of our continual need for God’s cleansing. Please come anticipating experiencing God and being encouraged. Please also pray for me and for Stacey and her team.

God bless,

Pastor Dave