The Pastor’s Garage December 13th, 2018
December 13, 2018
Hey everyone. I hope that this email finds you well. It sure feels like
Christmas has snuck up once again. I trust that in the midst of life and in
the midst of all of your Christmas preparations and everything you have
going on that you find time to do what really matters. Love on and be with
the ones you love.
There are a couple of things I’d like to put on your radar this week. First
of all, our Christmas Dinner Potluck this Sunday after church. The kids
will be staying upstairs and instead of a sermon I’ll be telling a famous
Christmas story about giving gifts. We encourage you to be very intentional
about inviting friends and family. I think it will be a wonderful time of
being together and celebrating.
On the 23rd we will be having a morning service but it will be a time of
singing Christmas carols and testimonies. On the 24th at 7:00pm we will
have our annual Christmas Eve candlelight service. This is my favorite
service of the year!
Please remember to bring your gift or food item for the hampers this
Sunday. It’s important that we have this ready to go as soon as possible.
Once again, if you have any interest in being involved in a kid’s ministry
for young kids (grades 4-6), please let me know as we will be having a
meeting in January to determine people’s interest and the potential of
starting something in the new year.
Anyways, God bless!
Pastor Dave