The Pastor’s Garage January 10th, 2020

Good afternoon everyone. For all of our winter lovers out there I hope you
are enjoying this face numbing weather. It really is cold! How oh how did
my grandparents survive Saskatchewan winters???

I hope that the beginning of 2020 has been good for you. For some the
beginning of a new year can be invigorating, for some of us it can be a
depressing time – sometimes because we are coming down from all the hype of
what we hoped the holidays would be. Wherever you find yourself ask that
you put two words into your coming year. Faithfulness and integrity. These
are two words that God has been putting in my mind for a while. As I have
been thinking about my life as a Christian father and member of this
prairie community and as a pastor, I have been asking myself the question,
“what can I do to really make an impact?” The two words that have come up
again and again, sometimes in different ways are faithfulness and
integrity. Be consistent and finish what you start and have integrity. Keep
doing the things that are important and that may not always seem exciting
and be honest and real. I am going to try and integrate these into my life
as the year starts up. Maybe you want to adopt them, or maybe you have
other words that would be more suitable to you. Share them on our facebook

Speaking of facebook, we are trying out something new as another way to
immerse ourselves in scripture and build community. We have started a
private facebook group called Scripture, Praise and Prayer as means work
through scripture together, share praise reports and support one another in
prayer. If you are interested in joining please let me know and I will send
you an invite. I want to provide new ways for us to build community and dig
into the word.

Please pray for me as I speak this Sunday on James 3:1-7 on The Power of
the Tongue. James is a challenging book that sometimes feels like a punch
in the gut when we read it. Please also pray for Neil and his team as they
lead worship this Sunday.

This evening our church is taking the canteen duties for the Spitfires
game. As of today I’ve now got enough people to help out but feel free to
come and support the team and enjoy what should be a good hockey game!
Thanks to all the volunteers who signed up.

Have a great weekend and stay warm.

God bless,

Pastor Dave