The Pastor’s Garage January 24th, 2020

Just a couple things to mention this week and that’s all I’ll have time
for. It has been a really busy week for me but a really good week. I am so
excited for some of the things that are happening and how God is moving in
our midst. Thanks for being an awesome church to lead! Please continue to
pray and to seek out God and his call on your life.

This week is the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity as you may or may not
know here in Grenfell. Tomorrow is our last service for the week and I have
the privilege of leading it. Please join in the week if you have not

This Sunday we will be starting Firm Foundations. This is a lengthy survey
of scripture that moves from creation to Christ. It is in depth and
requires focus and effort but I think it is well worth it. It will take us
about 1 calendar year to get through if we don’t take any breaks. It sounds
intimidating, but I think we need a more comprehensive picture of the
incredible story of the bible. Many people have signed up and I am so
excited to get going. It will run from 9-10 am Sunday mornings and we start
this week. If you have not signed up, don’t worry, you are welcome! If you
have questions let me know!

Please pray for the service this weekend. Please pray that God would use me
and that God would anoint Lisa and her team! We need a move of God and we
need God to move!

God bless, have a great week!

Pastor Dave