The Pastor’s Garage June 22nd, 2017
June 28, 2017
Good morning and welcome to the garage,
Yesterday I changed the oil in my dirtbike. I love and hate changing the oil in things. I love doing it knowing that I am doing something to maintain and upkeep what I own, but I hate dealing with the mess it creates (probably a good sermon illustration in there somewhere). Can’t wait to get out on the trails and backroads some more!
I was out last weekend on my bike around El Capo Lake just south of Wolseley. For those who like to explore old buildings there is a couple of neat spots out there. There is an old United Church and an old school house. I’ve attached a couple of pictures for you to look at. I love old buildings like that. I’m always fascinated thinking about them. Who was in there? What were the person’s dreams when they built it? What did they hope the building would be used for?
Speaking of old buildings, this year is the 50th anniversary of the old part of our current church building. This Sunday I’m going to show some footage of the building process and speak from Hebrews 12 on building upon what has come before us as a way to honor and celebrate those 50 years.
Please pray for me for this Sunday, that God would anoint me and use me. I can honestly say that I know when people are praying for me. I can feel a sense of confidence and strength when people are supporting me in prayer. Please also pray for the people leading worship this week. Leading worship can be a challenging and stretching time even for those who are experienced; and for those who lead they are busy like the rest of us and need to sacrifice time and energy to prepare and practice. They need our support!
Lastly, just wanted to let you know that Pastor Lindsay and I will be dreaming and planning out the next year in the coming weeks. We’ve got some exciting ideas up our sleeves and we will be making some changes to a few things that I think are gonna make for some positive headway. One of the things that will be a focus is prayer, so stay tuned for some creative ideas about prayer.
Thanks for being an awesome church to lead.
God bless,
Pastor Dave