The Pastor’s Garage March 29th, 2018

Thanks for praying for me while I was away this week. It was very good to be involved in the meetings and to talk about seeing the message of the gospel spreading across our globe. Cool things are happening.

Tomorrow is our Good Friday Contemplative Service from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Please drop in and feel free to come and spend as much time as you’d like. Most people last year spent about 20 minutes or more and everyone found the experience very meaningful. I would encourage you to get involved.

Easter Sunday is this Sunday and as always we will be celebrating the resurrection of Christ with helium balloons at the end of the service. It will definitely be a service not to miss and a great service to invite a friend to. Looking forward to seeing you there! I’ll be preaching on the topic of freedom and how Christ’s purpose was to bring us all freedom. Stacey and her team will be leading so please pray for them as well.

Minor Ball and Soccer will be happening again this year and as always they are looking for volunteers for coaching. It would be a great way to get involved and I can help you get connected if you like. Just let me know. If you know of another way to help out or get involved in our community, let me know and I will "advertise" it here.

Have a great weekend.

God bless,

Pastor Dave