The Pastor’s Garage November 15, 2019
November 15, 2019
Hi Everyone,
I hope you are doing well this week. This week has felt long and too short
all at once for me. Lot’s that I want to do didn’t get done and yet it
seems like I have been very busy.
I have been really intentional this week about spending a few extra minutes
praying for a move of God’s Spirit in my life as we get closer and closer
to our Deeper Life Weekend in a couple weeks. I am attaching the event
poster for you to have a look at. Please be in prayer for this weekend and
please make it a priority. Significant prayer and preparation is going into
this weekend and I am anticipating God doing a good work in our lives.
I want to ask you to be prayerful about your giving as the year draws to an
end. As a church we have incurred some over and above costs this year in
maintenance, replacing a furnace in the church early in the year and a new
furnace in the manse in the last couple of of months. This has put us a bit
behind in our budget and we’d like to see things even up as the year draws
to and end.
A reminder that shoeboxes are due this Sunday so please have them ready to
go so they can make their next part of the journey. We’ll have the kids
prayer over them this Sunday in the service.
I have a book on the baptism of the Holy Spirit called “The Baptism in the
Holy Spirit” written by Dr. Glen S. Mclean. It is an old book and a bit old
school, but it wrestles with some tough questions that people have often
had about the baptism. It might be a great book to read as we come closer
to our Deeper Life weekend. If you would like a copy they are only 10
dollars. Let me know because I only have a few copies.
Finally, this Sunday is potluck Sunday/Family Sunday. Invite a friend,
invite a neighbor and bring some extra food. I think one of strengths is a
good community. Let’s share this with more people. I’ll be speaking on
anger and how we can work on it in our lives from James 1:19-21.
God bless and please pray for me and for the worship team.
Pastor Dave