The Pastor’s Garage October 11th, 2018

I am excited.

Really, I am about something. I am not totally sure what, but there is a
sense of excitement in my heart as I think about our church and what this
year will bring. I have a sense that good things, awesome things are gonna
happen this year. I think we are in a great place. We are stable
financially as a church and we are seeing a growing sense of community.
Many people feel comfortable and at home here in our community and I think
what is coming next involves us opening our lives and our hearts to more
people and being more open and more inviting when it comes to our faith.

I mean, when you think about it, the one thing that people crave and desire
and desperately need in our world is relationship! Relationship and
community with others AND relationship with God. People really do have a
God shaped hole in their heart that needs to be filled and it really is
only filled by God – there isn’t anything else! It’s an old analogy, but it
is true. So, we have what the world needs. By God’s grace we have this
treasure to give. Let’s share it and see where it takes us! So yah, I am
excited, because I feel like we are starting to get this and a desire in
our heart to share is growing.

A few things to put on your radar this week:

– Youth is starting up on October 19th. Youth, meet at the church at
7:00pm. Games, bonfire and an “escape the room” challenge.
– This Saturday at 7:00pm is our monthly prayer meeting. We will be
praying for the community of Grenell.
– On Halloween we will set up our warm-up spot in the parking lot with a
fire pit and hot chocolate. I need a couple people to help, so let me know
if that will work for you.
– A reminder about shoeboxes for Christmas. They need to be here by
November 11th.

Some of you have been asking if we will have a service here at the church
on November 11th being as it is Remembrance Day. The answer is yes, we will
have a regular service here at the church and we will incorporate
Remembrance Day into our service. However, I will say this, *if you would
like to attend the town service being held at the town hall, you have my
permission and blessing to attend that. *I just know that some can’t or do
not attend the Remembrance Day service and so if we didn’t have a service
there would be nothing available.

Finally, please pray for me as I close our the series on Ephesians this
week and for Lisa and her team as they lead worship.

God bless,

Pastor Dave