The Pastor’s Garage September 1st, 2022

Good afternoon everyone,

Boy it is hot… it does not feel like September to me! And tonight it is
supposed to drop down to like 7 degrees or something. At least by the time
I go to bed, things will be tolerable.

This Sunday we’ll be sharing in communion and I’ll be speaking about “The
Shift of Power” that happened at the cross. Rachel Kardash will be leading
and I sincerely ask you to be in prayer for the service. Speaking of
prayer, we gather for prayer every Saturday night at 7 pm. We usually pray
for about 45 minutes.

So September has started and like I said a few emails ago, it is the
beginning of a new season for us as a gathering of believers. Well, to
coincide with that season, I’ve decided to have a “theme” for this season
as I said. On Sunday September 25th, I’m going to share the theme or vision
that I have been praying about, thinking about and working on over the last
few weeks – let’s give it a cool name and call it Vision Sunday :). I’m
excited to share it with you, but I want to wait before the grand reveal…
not because I want to tease you or build up artificial excitement, but
because I want you to be in prayer about it for me (for God’s wisdom and
grace) and I want to give you a chance to be in the right headspace. And to
be honest, I want to keep bringing it to God. I also want you to build some
momentum in your own spiritual journey and for us as a church to get ready
to engage. Summer always leaves me a little hesitant and a little sleepy at
the wheel, so you’ve got ample warning to get things moving!!! What does
that mean for you? Well, dust off the cobwebs, pray, gather with us on
Sunday (as in get in the building and be together… there’s coffee on
now!) and think about how you would like to serve and get involved.

By way of announcements, we’ll be starting Potlucks again this month, the
3rd Sunday of every month as always. Please make Judy’s job easy and let
her know you’d like to be the host or she will hunt you down. Also, Kid’s
Church will be firing up this month so look out for more details on that.
There’s more I could say but I don’t want to overwhelm you. Anyway, enough
ravings of an overheated madman.


Pastor Dave