Pastors Garage

*Pastor Mike’s Garage- Nov 24/2023*

Ok, for like the last 37 Pastor Garages I have sat down with the intention
of just writing a short note to let you know what is coming up and leaving
it at that! Yet time after time it always seems to turn into a 50 page
dissertation on the intricacies of life and our faith! It’s a funny thing,
this aging process. I seem to have more to do than ever, yet I realize I am
doing things slower than ever. This is a bad combination!

This coming Sunday Sheila Warne-Peter will be sharing in church and Rachel
Kardash will be leading us in worship.

The following Saturday, Dec 2, we are still hoping to have a Family Life
Canada Together for Good workshop. While everything is in order to go ahead
with it, as of right now numbers are pretty low for those interested in
taking it, so we may have to postpone it for a later date. I realize it is
a busy time of year. The enemy also is not interested in someone investing
in their relationships in a Godly, positive way, so he makes sure there is
always something that comes up! But if this is something that you have been
on the fence about and thinking about, could I encourage you to let us know
asap? We would love to go ahead with it! We don’t pretend it is the answer
for every situation, but it is a good tool in helping build healthier
relationships! Myself and BreAnn have taken it twice and both times it was
good! If you’re interested please contact myself or Janelle Oshowy by
Monday Jan 27, even if you just have some further questions!

I will be speaking on Sunday Dec 3, and I promise this time I will try and
remember to do communion! If I do happen to forget once again, please
someone yell out from the congregation!!!!

On Dec 16 we will be having our Christmas banquet and concert with Curtis
and Bonnie Szakacs and family coming to bless us with their amazing musical
talents. Kevin Speidelsbach has been organizing the meal, and it is my
understanding that we just need to bring a dessert if we so wish. Please
use this as an opportunity to invite friends and relatives to hear the Good
News! There is no set change for the event but there will be a free will
offering to help cover the expenses. There may be a sign up sheet in the
church lobby in the weeks ahead to try and get a handle on numbers to
better plan the meal.

On Dec 17 our Sunday School will be doing a bit of Christmas program during
our morning service, YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS!!!!! Seeing those
precious ones up there and the craziness that inevitably ensues is one of
the highlights of my year!

Sunday Dec 24, which just happens to be Christmas Eve, we are gonna attempt
to do something which has not been tried in many years, two services in one
day! There will be our regular Sunday morning service, with a Christmas
twist! And then in the evening there will be a Christmas Eve candlelight
service, which Kelley Phillips is giving leadership too! Come celebrate the
true meaning of the Christmas season with our church family!

Earlier this summer at our Missions summit we had mentioned an opportunity
to partner with Gateway Church in Prince George BC(the church that Greg and
Carla Paulson pastor) for a “Vacation with a Purpose” next summer in Oliver
BC. They are going to do a week of volunteering with the Okanagon Gleaners
from Aug 5-10 in processing various foods to be used in various missions
projects. There will also be time for seeing the area and hanging out with
those who are also serving that week. So far there are three families from
our church that have expressed interest in going, and we will need to let
them know in January sometime for numbers so if this is something that
interests you at all or if you’d just like to know some more info please
reach out to me.

On Jan 12-14 Kevin Speidelsbach and Lowell Oshowy have been working on a
men’s retreat we are hoping to do at Kenosee Lake Bible camp. Graham
Taylor, the pastor of the Whitewood Evangelical Missionary Church, will be
speaking and he is calling it the G3 Summit! Growing Godly Guys! For more
info please contact Kevin, Lowell or myself.

If someone feels the need and is up to organizing some kinda new year’s eve
thinger at the church I’m not opposed to it, just let me know.

So that is all I have to announce for now! We would absolutely love to see
you at any or all of these things. You belong here! We’re better when
you’re with us!

Pastor Mike