Pastors Garage

Well the harvest is in the bin! It’s a good feeling. Now I can
concentrate on the next thing! Some people are really good at
multitasking, me, not so much! I’m a one trick pony! Just wanted to write
a note on a couple things that are going on.

Tomorrow Barret Kropf will be joining us as our guest speaker for our 10:30
am service. He is currently with Prairie Hockey Academy out of Caronport,
but he has filled many sports roles over the years. He came here from
coaching at Trinity Western University, has coached a few Canadian national
teams overseas, and was the Riders team chaplain for seven years. I know
he will have a good and challenging word for us. Invite a sports nut!

Also wanted to put the date out there for anyone who was interested in
joining the Prince George Gateway church at the Gleaners mission next
summer for a week so you can plan your holidays. They are planning on
being there from Aug 5-10. It would be fun working alongside another
church in the exotic location of Oliver BC for a week towards a very
worthwhile cause. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact

Would you make it a priority to join us for church tomorrow? It’s just
better when you’re there! Don’t let it get out, but we kinda like you, and
miss you when you’re not! We’re better together!

Pastor Mike