Pastors Garage

Pastors Garage May 11, 2023

There is a lot going on this weekend so I thought I would just send a note covering some of the details surrounding those things.

Tonight will be the board meeting for our church, please uphold our board during this season as they navigate some of the changes that are upcoming for our church. That God would give them a common vision and passion for where we need to go as a body. Jordan Gadsby(our district representative for ACOP) and his wife Chantelle will be joining us for the meeting and also staying for the farewell for the Wicks family on Friday. I have really grown to appreciate and respect Jordan over the last couple years as he has taken over that role from Dave Wicks Sr. I thought it a good idea to invite him to address our board in this season of transition, and so that they could meet him face to face should they have any needs or concerns in the days ahead which he could possibly help out with.

On Friday evening at 7:30pm we will be having our farewell for the Wicks family at the church in the sanctuary. If I could get the ladies who have volunteered to provide desserts for the evening to have them at the church by 7 and help cut them up and put them on plates, that would be greatly appreciated. We will meet up in the Oakshela room to do that. There will be an open mic for anyone who wishes to share that evening, and there will be a love offering taken for them should you wish to prepare something for that. If you wish to make out a cheque, please make it out to David or Liz Wicks.

On Saturday there a couple couples from our church that will be attending a Together for Good Marriage Workshop at the Prairie Harvest Christian Center in Yorkton. While I realize this is very last minute, if there are any couples out there who should like to join us, I would definitely see what I could swing to have you join us!

On Sunday we will be having a very special Mother’s Day themed service. There will be an all-guys ensemble leading us in worship. Those in charge of this service have asked to give you some things to ponder and possibly share for that morning. Please take time to think ahead and possibly even write a bit down to share.

-A small story or memory you want to share about your Mother, Aunt, or Grandmother?

-What is/was your mom’s favourite food?

-What did your grandmother’s house smell like?

-Where was your mother or grandmother born?

-What was a difficult situation you saw your mom, aunt, or grandmother experience?

-Did you mother or grandmother have a faith in Jesus? If so, how did it influence you?

Next Sunday May 21st Lorne Bonk will be coming to share with us and we will also plan on doing a potluck that Sunday!

Keep your stick on the ice, go Leafs and Oilers!

Pastor Mike