Pastor’s Garage April 13th, 2023
April 13, 2023
food as well as a friend or neighbor.
This Sunday will be part 3 of my 4 part series on the gospel. This week’s
title is “Jesus Died for Me.” Please pray for me that I would have the
ability to speak God’s truth boldly and please pray for Rachel Kardash as
she leads worship.
I am reading a book right now called “From Social Media to Social Ministry”
by Nona Jones. It is really, really challenging my thinking and ideas about
discipleship and ministry when it comes to using technology and things like
Facebook. In my mind I have or had mostly dismissed technology and social
media as being a part of the church and the discipleship process… but…
maybe I have had some things wrong. Anyway, it’s a challenging read and
will definitely push our old-school traditional brains. Perhaps I am a
little stuck in my thinking and perhaps I don’t know it all. Technology use
and discipleship aside, the author has some really powerful thoughts about
church. If you are a reader, it’s worth a read.
Here’s a couple of quotes I read yesterday:
“I find it particularly interesting that in most churches the largest
budgets are dedicated to the operations that help ‘maintain the aquarium’
when we’ve been called to be fishers of people. We spend incredible sums of
money on… things that don’t compel anyone to go out into the deep oceans
of our communities to win souls.”
“Dying churches see their target population as the people in their pews.
Thriving churches see their target population as everyone else.”
Let’s never, ever forget why we are here. We are here to reach the lost and
to share the gospel of Christ. We are here to make disciples. As this
church and its leadership begin the process of figuring out what is next,
let’s keep our eyes on the ocean and not our aquarium.
Blessings and have a great rest of your week,
Pastor Dave