The Pastor’s Garage August 28, 2020
August 28, 2020
I’ve had the privilege of getting a few rides in some farm equipment this
week and I am so thankful for that opportunity. It’s wonderful to see up
close the wonders of harvest. We live in a very blessed part of the world.
Many other places are far from as fortunate as we are.
This Sunday I’ll be preaching from 2 Corinthians 5:14. Please read this
verse and spend some time thinking about it. *”For Christ’s love compels
us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all
died.” *There are two words that I will spend some time talking about in my
sermon – convinced and compelled. Think about those words and what they
mean. Please pray for me as I share God’s word and please pray for Pastor
Mike as he leads us in worship.
This fall is going to bring some changes to how we do church. Some of those
changes will be a result of Covid directly, some of the changes are a
result of what the last few months have revealed about where the church in
North America is at. I don’t want to say too much about the changes in this
email but I want you to work on having an open mind and a soft heart. We’re
not changing because what we did years ago was wrong or ineffective. We’ve
had years of fruitful church life that accomplished great things. However,
the times have changed and the world has changed and we need to find new
ways to do ministry. I am sorry if the language we have used has at times
felt like we are looking down on the past. That’s not my heart. I think
what we need to do is build upon the past by finding new ways to engage our
culture. So please be praying and be seeking God and be listening for what
the future looks like. We need to hear God.
My gut tells me that change is on the horizon. As I shared in a sermon
months ago, are we going to be a speed bump or an onramp for the next
generation and what God has for them?
God bless you and hope to see you this weekend!
Pastor Dave