The Pastor’s Garage Friday May 3rd, 2019

Hi everyone,

I hope that you are having a good week. I am patiently waiting for the
weather to turn. I love winter and I love snow but I am craving and waiting
for warmth! It will come soon right? What is the warmth of your spiritual
life? Is it alive and well, or is something just kind of cold? I know I
have experienced cold seasons in my spiritual journey, but if I slow down
for just a minute in those times, even though God can seem quiet or
distant, there is almost always a growing hunger and desire for more of God
– *that leads me to a deeper experience with God!*

I sense a number of us are in a cold season spiritually – but are you
hungry too? If there is a hunger stirring in you, can I encourage you to
make May 25th and 26th a priority. I am attaching a poster so you can see
the schedule. We are calling the weekend event “Yield to the Holy Spirit.”
I can’t stress enough how important this event will be. Come to all of it.
Come to as much as you can. I know this is grad weekend too, but we need
God and I think our guest speaker Doug Sigglekow is going to impart
something to us! We need the Holy Spirit if we are going to truly make an
impact in this community.

Here’s some more stuff coming up that I’d like you to be thinking about:

– May 12th – Mother’s Day – Make sure moms come! We will have a small
gift for the ladies.
– May 19th – Teen challenge will be with us and it’s our last in house
pot-luck until the fall.
– May 25th and 26th – Yield to the Holy Spirit – a deeper life weekend
with Doug Sigglekow.
– May 31st to June 2 – Our church camping weekend out at Crooked Lake.
Book your site and get your camper ready. Our Sunday service will be at the
lake. Call to arrange a ride if needed. There will be a baptismal service
out at the lake AND a missionary couple will be with us that weekend out at
the lake.

Lot’s of exciting stuff going on. Please pray for the service this weekend
here and for myself as I will be speaking on the baptism of the Holy

God bless,

Pastor Dave