The Pastor’s Garage January 17th, 2019
January 17, 2019
forgotten what warm weather feels like and the cold starts to feel a little
normal. I sort of wondered this morning how this can be similar to our
spiritual lives. We can go long enough without feeling close to God that a
bland spiritual life can sort of feel normal. I pray that in this season of
prayer that God would stir our hearts and remind us of what spiritual
summer is like. Living close to God and knowing his presence is a wonderful
This Sunday is a Family Celebration Sunday AND it’s Pot-luck. Why not
invite someone? Please bring extra food for any visitors or forgetters we
might have. I will be speaking on 2 Corinthians 10:4 and I’ll be bringing
my boxing gloves, so I’d appreciate prayer. Please also be in prayer for
the worship team.
Youth this friday is “Tape Night” so bring a roll of tape and be ready to
have some fun. Meet at the church at 7:00pm.
As we are in this season of prayer I would encourage you to keep filling
the prayer table and to be aware of a couple of things in February. On
February 10th we will have a prayer summit instead of a sermon. We will
pray individually, in small groups and corporately. Stay tuned for more
details. Then from the 11th to the 17th I will be calling the church to a
week of fasting and prayer as we approach our annual meeting on the 17th.
Speaking of the annual meeting, please be in prayer for this as we do make
some major decisions every year at this time including finalizing the
budget for a year, selecting elders and deacons and selecting the
nominating committee for next year.
Thanks for being a great church!
God bless,
Pastor Dave