The Pastor’s Garage January 18th, 2017
January 18, 2018
Hey everyone. Just wanted to nudge anyone who might feel like they want to get baptised. We will wait until after the annual meeting in February and do a baptismal service on the 3rd Sunday in March( which is the 18th) so it can coincide with a potluck. I already have one interested potential so if there is someone else, please let me know, even if you are not totally sure.
We are still looking for volunteers for kids church. To teach or to be an assistant. In order to do that you need to do an application and hand-in a police check. Some of you have signed up but have never got your paperwork in. This is one of the most exciting and important places you could be serving!
Another area where you can serve in our community at large is at the rink during hockey games in the canteen. Liz and I usually volunteer 2 or 3 times a season. Its lots of fun and a great way to meet people and they are always happy for the help. Contact the Grenfell Athletic Association to get involved, it’s a great way to bless and serve this community. This is from the facebook page today for this weekend, "We are in desperate need for canteen workers this Saturday. 11am-6pm for the Atom Tourney(1 worker) and 7pm for the spits game(3-4 workers). Any help would be greatly appreciated!!" Go watch the spits and help out!
The presence of God. When is the last time you experienced the presence of God? Have you recently just known that God is near you? When is the last time you’ve acutely known or sensed your spiritual need? Do you feel as sense of purpose to your life and to the things you are struggling with? Is that inner longing for forgiveness, peace, love and acceptance being filled? Where am I going with this? Well, I am sensing that one of the things we need in our church as we pray, work and attempt to bring the kingdom of God to our town and church and see people grow and see people get saved is, the presence of God. Well, more than just the presence of God, but an awareness and experience of that presence. Because let’s face it, the Christian life without God and without our spiritual needs being met is pretty dreary. Programs, events, and busyness. In response to this I am going to talk about prayer for the next two Sundays and tie in the reality that through prayer we usher in God’s presence and that we should expect to know and sense God. I am personally making an attempt in my own prayer and spiritual walk to know God more intimately.
Join me.
This Sunday is also our potluck Sunday. A great Sunday to invite a friend or family member. Please pray for Mike Zorn and his team as they lead worship again. Please also be in prayer for me as I share from God’s word and do my best to hear what God wants me to say. It is such a privilege to be your pastor.
If you or someone you know is in need of pastoral care, please let me know and I will make sure that there is connection made.
As always blessings on your week.
Pastor Dave