The Pastor’s Garage July 25th, 2018
July 25, 2018
So I can’t believe how summer is flying by. It’s been a good summer so far.
The kids have really been enjoying the pool, enjoying the outdoors and
everything else that goes with summer fun. I’ve had the chance to be out on
my dirtbike quite a bit. We really do live in a beautiful part of the
This Sunday I’ll be speaking on how to make the most of your summer, “Don’t
Let Your Summer be a Bummer.” I am going to cover 10 things we can do to
make the most of our summer.
There have been a number of people connected to our church family in one
way or another who have gone through or are going through some significant
challenges, some of them to do with major health issues. I have found
myself listening to this song again and again as I have walked with people
and as I have worked through some of my own challenges. I know that I have
sent it out before, but take the time to listen and to read the words. The
song has considerably more meaning when you know a bit of the story that
these brothers have gone through. One of them was near death with a
digestive disorder. You can read more here:
Here’s the song: I pray that you would find
yourself encouraged and strengthened as you listen.
This week Lisa Osiowy will be leading worship. Please uphold her and her
team as they lead us.
A reminder that we will be having a time of blessing for Lindsay and Stacey
after the service. Please come prepared with an encouraging note and a
financial gift if you feel led that way. We will be having a finger-food
potluck after so please join us. Also, 6:30 Sunday night we will be having
a hymn sing. Please come and join us for a good time.
God bless,
Pastor Dave