The Pastor’s Garage

Welcome back everyone. The garage has been quiet for a few days. Well, sort

I hope that you are having some good days so far this summer and I hope
that you are making the needed time to enjoy God and to enjoy what he has

We had a great week out at camp last week. Very little sleep, lots of
campfires, days in the sun and sand, bouncy castles, mosquito bites, doing
gratis and enjoying being together and enjoying God’s word and enjoying
worship and enjoying God’s presence. Phew. It was a good week.

This week I’ll be speaking on “Watch What You Speak” from Ephesians
4:29-30. Please pray for God’s strength and anointing. Also, would you
please uphold Mike and his worship team as they lead this Sunday.

On the 29th after the service we’ll be having a time of blessing for
Lindsay and Stacey. Please bring some finger food to share. We’ll provide
juice and coffee. Also, in the evening on the 29th we’ll be having another
hymn sing. Bring your instruments.

Just for your information. Liz and I plan on taking holidays this summer
from August 6th to around the 23rd. If you need spiritual care during that
time, please contact one of the elders.

Other than that, I hope you have a great weekend. Stay cool and stay safe.

God bless,

Pastor Dave