The Pastor’s Garage June 13th, 2019

The other night Liz and I took Mason to see a movie in the theatre for his
first movie. Just me, Mason and Liz. We both strongly feel the need to
spend time with each of our kids that is focused on them; a one on one sort
of thing. When we do that we see our kids respond in such a healthy way.
They desperately need that one on one connection, especially in this
intimacy starved world that we live in. People are desperate for real
connection, and it is not just kids.

As we approach the summer time many of us will have holidays and time away
from our “regular” schedule. I would encourage you to spend time with close
family and friends – I mean really spend time. Face to face conversations
by a campfire sort of thing. Sitting on the deck and talking. We need
relationship and closeness. We were built for it. But the world is robbing
us of it in more ways than one. And it is a sacred gift that we can give

This Sunday is Father’s Day and I will have a gift for every man in the
congregation. Be sure to bring your man or dad to receive this gift. We
will also pray a prayer of blessing over the men in our church.

As a bonus we will have a couple who is working among the unreached with us
this Sunday as well. Please come to support them in prayer and to hear what
God is doing in their lives and through their work. Please pray for the
service and for the worship team to recieve God’s anointing.

Tomorrow (Saturday the 15th) there is a work bee out at Springside Camp. A
bunch of men will be travelling there together to do some work, meeting at
the church at 7:30am. I’ll be bringing my chainsaw! Woohoo. Is there
anything more manly than spinning blades and the smell of 2-stroke oil?
We’ll provide the lunch so why not come on out? Talk to Mike Zorn for

On the 23rd we will have a cleanup day and prayer walk. We will have a
short service at 10:30 and then we will go out with garbage bags and pray
through our town. Then we will meet back here at noon for burgers and
hotdogs. The church will provide everything we need including drinks and a
salad. It’s our goal just to be a blessing and serve our community.

The Food Festival is coming up fast on the 29th. Please talk to Kevin or
Tatum to discuss helping out. It’s a great day and a worthwhile way to
invest in our community.

God bless and have a great weekend,

Pastor Dave