The Pastor’s Garage May 6th, 2022
May 6, 2022
Hello everyone!
I’m sitting in the soundbooth typing this and I can’t tell if it’s rain or
wind outside, but it sounds like some weather is rolling in. I guess we can
use the moisture right. Honestly, I’ve had enough of the heat, it’s really
time for some cooler weather 🙂
Starting this Sunday we are going to offer a nursery time during the sermon
portion of our service. Any children 6 and under are welcome to join a
couple of our volunteers in the Oakshela room for some
supervised activity time. We’ve become aware of the need to help out our
parents with young children.
Usually, the people who end up watching the kids are those who are raising
the young kids (and it’s usually the mom). That’s fine, but sometimes it’s
nice for those moms to hear a sermon and be encouraged. So if you would
like to help these young families I am gonna ask that you volunteer. If we
get lots of volunteers it will make the work light. There will be a sign up
sheet in the foyer starting this Sunday. In order to volunteer with our
children there is some info you need to read and some paperwork that needs
to be done including a police check. It’s a couple of extra steps but
necessary and important and I think more than worth it!
In case you are unaware we have been offering a Kid’s Club from 9-10am
Sunday morning. This was done because many of our volunteers didn’t want to
miss out attending and serving on Sunday’s during the service as well as to
create more of a “club” atmosphere that community kids might attend. So far
we’ve had a trickle of community kid’s coming and it’s really exciting.
Please continue to pray for this program and these kids.
This Sunday is also Mother’s Day so in an effort to honor mothers (which is
very, very biblical!) I’m going to be preaching about honoring our mothers.
We’ve got a little gift to give all the women who will be with us, and
we’ll make an effort to really honor them. In fact Dean Drinnan, Garth Cole
and Waylon Kardash are gonna be watching the kids during nursery time just
so all the women can be in the service. So be a good kid and bring your mom!
Please also consider joining us for prayer tomorrow night (Saturday at
7pm). I’ll be sending out a reminder tomorrow morning as well. Forgive me
if I am spamming, but this may be the most important thing you do this week
– prayer!
Also please don’t miss the Round Table Discussion Primer:
God bless and have a great week,
Pastor Dave