The Pastor’s Garage May 9th, 2018

Hello everyone. I trust that you are enjoying the beautiful sunshine and the change in the weather. It sure feels like it is about time doesn’t it. I’d like to encourage you to find a way to get involved and "be present" in our community this summer. It could volunteering or joining a club, it could be getting to know your neighbor, it could be throwing a neighborhood BBQ, it could be offering to share your garden with someone or it could be something else. Find a way to build a bridge this summer.

There’s a handful of exciting things to consider in the coming weeks. The first is our church camping weekend at Crooked Lake on June 8,9 and 10. Most of us will be arriving on Friday afternoon and we’ll be staying till Sunday afternoon. There will be no service in town on that Sunday, we’ll have it out at the lake. Even if you can’t camp for the weekend, come out Saturday and Sunday during the day. We’ll be having a big potluck on Sunday with burgers and hot-dogs. Last year was a hoot, I think we can expect the same this year.

This saturday night Liz will be leading our evening of prayer, Second Saturday at 7:00pm. Please come out and pray with us in the Oakshela room. We’ll be focusing our prayers on summer camps.

This Sunday is Mother’s Day. While it’s not a biblical holiday or anything, we do want to use to honor mothers and to honor women. God has created women with an incredible capacity to love, care and nurture that is different than how he created men- and we want to acknowledge that. So this Sunday we’ll be having a mother’s day panel, "Mothering in the Trenches." I think it will be lots of fun and encouraging. We’ll have carnations for all the women who attend. Rachel Drinnan and her team will be leading so please pray for them and pray that God would move and touch people’s hearts.

May 20th is a potluck. I know it’s a long weekend, but we are still going to have potluck. If you don’t have family in the area and you’ll be alone, come, or if you’d like to bring your family who is visiting, come, let’s make it a special one!

God bless and have a great week,

Pastor Dave

The Pastor’s Garage May 4th, 2018

May the 4th be with you!

I have a very short email this week. The reason? I’ve been fighting a cold all week and am "out of gas" a little bit AND I really want you to notice what I say this week so I am keeping it short.

I’d like you to consider attending (at least the evening sessions which are open to the public for free) the ACOP Biennial conference. I am anticipating this being a very formative event for ACOP and it is very close and accessible – it’s at the Regina Ap! Much prayer and planning has gone into this and it probably won’t be this close again for many years.

More info here if you would like to register:

Please be in prayer for the service this Sunday as well. Rachel Drinnan and her team will be leading. Please pray for me as I continue my series on the Tabernacle.

God bless and have a good weekend.

Pastor Dave

The Pastor’s Garage April 26th, 2018

Hey everyone. I hope that you are soaking up your amount of vitamin D these days. It sure is nice to feel the sun’s warmth. It’s really amazing how fast the snow disappears.

Pastor Lindsay and I and our families were in Arlington Beach this week taking in ACOPs yearly pastor’s retreat. It was a fun-filled enriching experience for us and for our kids. God really imparted something to all the pastors and leaders here in south Saskatchewan. One of the themes that stood out to me was following the dreams that God gives us and not giving up on them. What dream has God given you? Have you let it go? Has life stolen it away somehow? Or have you kind of forgotten about it? I would wager that some of you have a dream that God has given you? What would it take to make the dream happen? Does the thought of it still excite you? Maybe – no not maybe – it WILL take faith! God gave you that dream for a reason. I’d love to hear your dreams and join in praying with you to see them come true.

A couple things for you to be aware of over the next few weeks. Sunday night is our hymn sing at 6:30. Come on out, I promise you won’t regret it.

Pinewood Derby is May 5th at 10:30. Don’t miss out. There will be prizes and this is your chance to get your car tuned up before the big race in June at the car show.

Stacey and her team are leading the worship this Sunday. I’ll be continuing the series on the Tabernacle and this week we are going to talk about the laver. For us, the laver is a symbol of our continual need for God’s cleansing. Please come anticipating experiencing God and being encouraged. Please also pray for me and for Stacey and her team.

God bless,

Pastor Dave

The Pastor’s Garage April 19th, 2018

Good afternoon everyone. Doesn’t life feel a little bit different with the sun shining and the temperature actually going up outside?! Wow, the sun sure felt good to me today. It might actually be nice enough to get the motorbike out! Watch out gravel roads and trails here I come! Or maybe it’s time to get a go cart out? Who knows, just something with wheels that can spin. Don’t worry, I’ll wear my safety goggles.

There is a couple things I want you to be aware of that are coming up. First, the hymn sing on April 29th. I am looking forward to this. It was such a blast last time. If you’d like to sing a special or you have a hymn you want to sing that is not in our hymnal, please let me or Judy Jolly know so that we can prepare ahead of time. Other then that, bring your favorites and we’ll sing as many as we can or until we wear Judy out. It’s gonna be a good night!

Our church camping weekend is June 8,9 and 10. If you haven’t got a site, you need to. It looks like the loop that we used last year is filling up fast, so better get a site soon. If you can’t get one in the loop, no worries, just get one as close as you can. It’s gonna be a blast.

Finally, we’re hosting a couple Derby car races again this year. May 5th and June 3rd. This is a wholesome, fun event. If you need a new kit or need help building a car let me know and I can help out. For more information, please visit our facebook page at Grenfell Pinewood Derby

This week I am beginning a series on the Old Testament Tabernacle and how it can be a guide for our prayer life. We’ll also be having a time of seeking God and prayer and altar ministry this Sunday. We’ll have some people ready to pray with you if you’d like it or if you’d like to just spend time in God’s presence after the service you may do that as well. So please be in prayer for me and for Lisa and her team as they lead the worship. Let’s anticipate encountering God this weekend!

Were you able to watch the video from last week’s email. I have heard back from a number of people who found it challenging or that it inspired them. I’d encourage you to watch it if you have not already.

Have a good weekend and enjoy the sun.

God bless,

Pastor Dave

The Pastor’s Garage April 12, 2018

Hey everyone. I hope that today you’ve experienced God’s presence in your life this week. I think one of the greatest joys of being a Christian is knowing God. I mean knowing God as a person. Knowing Him intimately and experiencing Him. This may not be everyday and all the time – if fact I think there are times when God chooses to be silent, but I think that we can know God in a very tangible way. I pray that you would experience Him in a new way.

I am getting itchy to get out in the dirt and the mud. I can’t wait to get the go-karts running and the motorbike out, but alas winter still has a grip on us. I want to head out and check out the prayer cache. Have you found it yet? That would make a fun little trip on the dirt bike 🙂 What are you anticipating about summer and spring?

This Sunday is our potluck. It kind of snuck up on us because April 1 was a Sunday but it is potluck. Would you please invite a friend or two and bring some extra food. Would you also call those in our congregation who probably don’t have email and remind them? I am anticipating an exciting service. Please pray for me as I prepare to speak. I’ll be speaking on "You May Be Wrong" from Mark 12:18-24 and how we need a revelation of God from time to time about what he is really like. Mike Zorn and his team are leading, so please pray for them as well.

I’d like to encourage you to get involved in our community. There is lots of ways of getting involved ranging from being on Town Council to coaching a team of some kind to watering flowers to joining the car club and the list goes on. If you have an idea or know of a need, please reply to me and I will put it in here. I think it is really important for us to be part of making Grenfell a better place.

I’d also like you to sit down with a friend or family member or more and watch this video:

I’ll be honest. Watching this has disturbed me – in a good way I think. It has made me do a lot of thinking about how we do church. I have been kept up at night wondering, "God, how do we reach those who don’t know you?" Because I’ll be honest, I don’t think we will reach 95% of the people id we just keep doing things the way we do things. Don’t get me wrong, I am excited when I see the momentum and health we are building, but I WANT MORE FOR US and I think we need to dream bigger and dream outside the box, so go ahead and watch that video and see if it stirs something in you. If you are inspired or excited by it let me know. I am not saying we copy what they are doing but I think we can learn from it.

Lastly, we’ll be praying for the Humboldt Broncos and those affected by the tragedy this Saturday at our weekly prayer meeting at 7:00pm. This would be open to anyone and everyone.

God bless,

Pastor Dave

The Pastor’s Garage March 29th, 2018

Thanks for praying for me while I was away this week. It was very good to be involved in the meetings and to talk about seeing the message of the gospel spreading across our globe. Cool things are happening.

Tomorrow is our Good Friday Contemplative Service from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Please drop in and feel free to come and spend as much time as you’d like. Most people last year spent about 20 minutes or more and everyone found the experience very meaningful. I would encourage you to get involved.

Easter Sunday is this Sunday and as always we will be celebrating the resurrection of Christ with helium balloons at the end of the service. It will definitely be a service not to miss and a great service to invite a friend to. Looking forward to seeing you there! I’ll be preaching on the topic of freedom and how Christ’s purpose was to bring us all freedom. Stacey and her team will be leading so please pray for them as well.

Minor Ball and Soccer will be happening again this year and as always they are looking for volunteers for coaching. It would be a great way to get involved and I can help you get connected if you like. Just let me know. If you know of another way to help out or get involved in our community, let me know and I will "advertise" it here.

Have a great weekend.

God bless,

Pastor Dave

The Pastor’s Garage

Good day everyone. So apparently we are supposed to be getting some wild weather tomorrow. That’s got to be a mistake… it is spring right? Oh wait we live in Saskatchewan.

I’ve only got a few things for you today, so you’ll get a shorter one this week.

Saturday there will be a small crew of us driving around some of the local farms praying for God’s blessing and protection over the farm and workers. I am really looking forward to doing that. Sunday, my sermon title is Sow Good Harvest and I will be speaking from Gal 6:7-10. Near the end of the service we’ll be praying for local farms and praying over samples of their seed that they will be bringing in. I am really looking forward to this.

Please pray for Pastor Lindsay as he is away for a few days in Eston Saskatchewan with some of our youth at Encounter. It has the potential to be a very significant time in the lives of these youth.

Pastor Lindsay and I are gearing up for our Good Friday Service next week. Once again we will be hosting a "Contemplative Service" from 9am to 1pm. We got lots of positive feedback last year so we have decided to do it again. I would strongly encourage you to come out.

Please hold our service up in prayer and pray for our worship team led by Lisa Osiowy this week. I sure appreciate all the work that our teams put in leading worship. Thanks guys!

That’s all for this week. Have a good one.

God bless,

Pastor Dave

Pot-luck this Sunday!

I totally forgot to mention the pot-luck this weekend in my email yesterday. Bring a friend and bring some extra food. See you there.

Pastor Dave

The Pastor’s Garage March 15th, 2017

It’s hard to believe that today is March 15th. I went for a snowmobile ride last night and it was lighter late in to the evening. Summer is coming right?

A couple things to put on your radar. First off, the prayer farm tour and bless the seed service on the 24th and 25th of this month. No one has brought in their seed samples yet that we will pray for. Please be diligent about doing this in the next week and a half before that service. I’ll be in touch next week about approximate times we will be visiting your farms.

June 8,9 and 10 we will have our church camping weekend again. Please save the date and wait for details on booking sites.

I am attaching a letter that will go home with kids this Sunday after Kid’s Church. If you are curious or a parent, have a quick read.

Some ways to get involved in the community this season? Have you considered coaching ball with kids this summer? Talk to Tyler Tomlinson. What about watering flowers in the community. Talk to Carol, it’s not dangerous! There’s lots of ways to get involved, just be creative.

This Sunday Stacey is leading worship. Please pray for her for strength and anointing. Please pray for me as I preach on Mark 14:1-11 on "Extravagance is Not Wasted on Jesus."

Also please pray for those of us who are attending the Set Free retreat in Moose Jaw Friday and Saturday, that God would speak and transform our lives.

God bless,


The Pastor’s Garage March 8th, 2018

Thanks for the kind words and prayers regarding my eye. I am very thankful that the specialist said that everything is looking good and I should have no lingering problems with my eye.
Here’s some things I’d like you to think about this week:

  • Have you found the prayer cache yet? You might need a snowmobile to find it now! Let me know.
  • The Set Free retreat is next week, March 16th and 17th. Have you registered yet? Have you thought about registering? Liz and I and a few other couples are going. I am anticipating God doing good things. Why not join us.
  • This Saturday is Second Saturday. We’ll be praying for our government this time. Come out and pray at 7:00 pm.
  • On March 24th there will be a handful of us touring some farms that are connected to our church and praying for this years harvest. If you’d like us to come and pray for safety, for God’s blessing and for a bountiful harvest, please let me know. If you’d like to come on the tour, you’d be welcome to.
  • On Sunday March 25th we’ll be having a bless the seed service. Would you please bring in a sample of the seeds you’ll be planting this year so that we can pray over them that Sunday as representation of this years planting. Last time people used mason jars and that worked really well. You can bring them in anytime before then.

As always, please pray for the Sunday service. Mike Zorn and his team are leading and I will be speaking on Genesis 1:27. Please pray that God would give me wisdom and anointing to preach the word boldly.

God bless and have a wonderful weekend.

Pastor Dave